Portrait of Painters - Self Portrait in the Art

Rafael Estellés Bartual

Rafael Estellés Bartual
Rafael Estellés Bartual
Rafael Estellés Bartual (Spanish, 1900-1985)

Antoine Wiertz

Antoine Wiertz
Antoine Wiertz (Belgium, 1806-1865)

Vaike Lakeman

Vaike Lakeman
Vaike Lakeman (Russian 1917-2008)

Herman Maril

Herman Maril
Herman Maril (American, 1908-1986)

Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar

Igor Emmanuilovich
Igor Emmanuilovich

Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar
Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar (Russian, 1871-1960)

Rosa Bonheur

Rosa Bonheur
Rosa Bonheur (French, 1822 - 1899)

Ljubica Cuca Sokic

Ljubica Cuca Sokic

Ljubica Cuca Sokic
Ljubica Cuca Sokic (Serbian, 1914-2009)

Rafael Argelés Escriche

Rafael Argelés Escriche (Cadíz, 1894 - 1979)

John Samuel Watkins

John Samuel Watkins, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters

John Samuel Watkins, Self Portrait, Portraits of Painters
John Samuel Watkins (Australian, 1866 -1942)